Tevin Tafese

German Institute for Global and Area Studies

Tevin Tafese is a research fellow at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). His research and policy work explores the effects of globalisation and digitalisation on developing countries. A particular focus of his work is on Africa, where has worked on several projects on global value chains, labour markets, and entrepreneurship.

Tevin Tafese, Jann Lay, and Van Tran

From Fields to Factories: Special Economic Zones, Foreign Direct Investment, and Labour Markets in Vietnam

Vietnam has integrated into global value chains through the establishment of special economic zones (SEZs). This paper examines the local labour-market impacts of this programme, building on a unique dataset of SEZs in combination with labour force survey (LFS) data. Using historical satellite image...

Nora Aboushady, Tilman Altenburg, Inga Carry, Jann Lay, Melanie Müller, Mark Schrolle, Frauke Steglich, Lea Strack, Tevin Tafese, Rainer Thiele

The European supply chain law is coming after all – What can we make of the compromise?

Jann Lay, Tilman Altenburg, Melanie Müller, Tevin Tafese, Rainer Thiele, Frauke Steglich

Europäische Lieferkettenregulierung nicht aufhalten! Sie ist ein wichtiger Schritt für eine bessere Globalisierung


“Sustainable global supply chains in times of geopolitical crises” Annual Report 2023

The overarching topic of this year's report is "The Role of Geopolitics in Global Supply Chains", highlighting ways in which recent geopolitical and geo-economic developments are shaping and influencing current debates and policy processes around global supply chains (GSCs). Following...


LKDF Forum 2023 – Skills for Sustainability in Global Supply Chains

Jann Lay, Tevin Tafese

Promoting private investment to create jobs: A review of the evidence

The promotion of private investment, in particular in the form of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), has been a key component of economic development strategies since the early 1990s. Recent development policy initiatives, for example the G20 Compact with Africa (CwA) but also Germany's "Mar...

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