Research Network
Sustainable Global
Supply Chains



“Decent Work in Global Supply Chains” Annual Report 2024


The exclusion of the financial sector from the EU CSDDD reveals a lack of commitment to ESG


Call for Contributions: Article for the CS3D Blog Series


“Sustainable global supply chains in times of geopolitical crises” Annual Report 2023

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We see supply chains as key to sustainability

Global supply chains are the product of international economic interdependence and the transnational organization of goods and services. As such, they play an integral part in shaping our economies, societies, and our environment.

"The real Competition
is between supply chains, not companies."

Martin Christopher

"Many supply chains are perfectly suited to the
needs that the business had 20 years ago"

MIT Professor Jonathan Byrne

"The line between
disorder and order lies in logistics..."

Sun Tzu


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“Decent Work in Global Supply Chains” Annual Report 2024...


Yvonne Wolfmayr, Elisabeth Christen, ...
Trade and Welfare Effects of New Trade Policy Instruments...

Geoeconomic concepts are gaining importance in EU trade policy. In this context new trade policy instruments are designed to protect the internal market against unfa...

Birgit Meyer
Nachhaltigkeit entlang globaler Lieferketten – Wirtschaftliche E...

Mit der Initiative zur Richtlinie über die Sorgfaltspflicht von Unternehmen im Hinblick auf Nachhaltigkeit (Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive – CSDDD)...

Gabriel Felbermayr, Klaus Friesenbich...
Designing EU Supply Chain Regulation...

The EU Directive on Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence has sparked fierce debate about the regulation of supply chains. The directive’s objectives are aligned wit...

Jan Hurt, Katharina Ledebur, Birgit M...
Supply Chain Due Diligence Risk Assessment for the EU: A Network Appro...

Globalization has had undesirable effects on the labor standards embedded in the products we consume. This paper proposes an ex-ante evaluation of supply chain due d...

Birgit Meyer, Isabel Pham
Human Rights in Supply Chains – An Overview of Due Diligence Obl...

Based on the United Nations General Assembly's Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948, human rights have become an integral part of the behaviour of states ...

Johanna Coenen, Gabi Sonderegger, Jen...
Toward spatial fit in the governance of global commodity flows...

Global commodity flows between distally connected social-ecological systems pose important challenges to sustainability governance. These challenges are partly due t...

Benedetta Cotta, Johanna Coenen, Ed...
Environmental governance in globally telecoupled systems: Mapping the ...

Environmental governance is increasingly challenged by global flows, which connect distant places through trade, investment and movement of people. To date, research...

Jens Newig, Edward Challies, Benedett...
Governing global telecoupling toward environmental sustainability...

Telecoupling constitutes a particular class of globalized environmental issues that are neither local-cumulative, nor transboundary, nor concerning global commons, b...

Andrea Lenschow, Jens Newig, Edward C...
Globalization’s limits to the environmental state? Integrating telec...

Globalization entails increased interdependence and interconnectivities among distal regions and social-ecological systems. This global interregional connectedness ...

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