Research Network
Sustainable Global
Supply Chains



Call for Contributions: Article for the CS3D Blog Series


The European supply chain law is coming after all – What can we make of the compromise?


Taking advantage of Global Value Chains to spread green energy technologies across countries


“Sustainable global supply chains in times of geopolitical crises” Annual Report 2023

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Our visions and objectives

We see supply chains as key to sustainability

Global supply chains are the product of international economic interdependence and the transnational organization of goods and services. As such, they play an integral part in shaping our economies, societies, and our environment.

"The real Competition
is between supply chains, not companies."

Martin Christopher

"Many supply chains are perfectly suited to the
needs that the business had 20 years ago"

MIT Professor Jonathan Byrne

"The line between
disorder and order lies in logistics..."

Sun Tzu


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Marion Dovis, Chahir Zaki
Global Value Chains and Local Business Environments: Which Factors Rea...

This study assesses the effect of an economy’s business environment on the ability of firms to be part of a global value chain (GVC). With the use of a comprehensi...

Yasmine Eissa, Chahir Zaki
On GVC and innovation: the moderating role of policy...

This paper empirically investigates the association between global value chains (GVC) participation and countries’ innovation performance. Highlighting the learnin...

Rym Ayadi, Giorgia Giovannetti, Enric...
Trade networks and the productivity of MENA firms in global value chai...

Global Value Chain (GVC) participation is typically associated with a productivity premium, yet similar firms can benefit differently depending on the possibility fo...

Tilmann Altenburg and Anne Kantel
Green Hydrogen in Namibia: Opportunities and Risks...

Namibia is a highly competitive location for solar and wind energy, which can be utilised to produce green hydrogen and derivatives that are essential for decarbonis...

Markus Krajewski
Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Laws: Blurring the Lines between ...

This paper assesses mandatory human rights laws for companies in light of the public–private divide in international human rights law. It asks whether and to what ...

Gamze Erdem Türkelli, Mark Gibney, W...
The future of extraterritorial human rights obligations...

As this is being written, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage, and some important extraterritorial lessons – some good and some bad – have emerge...

Markus Krajewski, Kristel Tonstad and...
Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Germany and Norway: Stepping, ...

Germany and Norway are the two latest states to adopt laws mandating human rights due diligence by companies. Germany adopted a Law on Supply Chain Due Diligence (Ge...

Günther Maihold
Shadow supply chains and criminal networks...

The second chapter by Günther Maihold investigates the connection between shadow supply chains and criminal markets. He challenges the assumption of a “geographic...

Tevin Tafese, Jann Lay, and Van Tran
From Fields to Factories: Special Economic Zones, Foreign Direct Inves...

Vietnam has integrated into global value chains through the establishment of special economic zones (SEZs). This paper examines the local labour-market impacts of th...

Hannes Grohs, Jan Grumiller, and Andr...
Potentials for Improving the Socioeconomic Situation of Ghanaian Cocoa...

Based on an overview of both the global cocoa-chocolate value chain and the specifics of the cocoa industry in Ghana as well as the associated sustainability issues,...

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