Research Network
Sustainable Global
Supply Chains



“Decent Work in Global Supply Chains” Annual Report 2024


The exclusion of the financial sector from the EU CSDDD reveals a lack of commitment to ESG


Call for Contributions: Article for the CS3D Blog Series


“Sustainable global supply chains in times of geopolitical crises” Annual Report 2023

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Our visions and objectives

We see supply chains as key to sustainability

Global supply chains are the product of international economic interdependence and the transnational organization of goods and services. As such, they play an integral part in shaping our economies, societies, and our environment.

"The real Competition
is between supply chains, not companies."

Martin Christopher

"Many supply chains are perfectly suited to the
needs that the business had 20 years ago"

MIT Professor Jonathan Byrne

"The line between
disorder and order lies in logistics..."

Sun Tzu


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Aleksandra Kordalska, Magdalena Olcyk...
Upgrading low value-added activities in global value chains: a functio...

This paper aims to identify patterns of functional specialisation (FS) in global value chains (GVCs) and determinants of upgrading them for selected Central Eastern ...

Aleksandra Kordalska, Magdalena Olcyk...
Linkages between services and manufacturing as a new channel for GVC d...

The goal of the paper is to verify a causal relationship between forward linkages from domestic services to manufacturing and the participation/position of a country...

Elizabeth A. Bennett
Voluntary Sustainability Standards: A Squandered Opportunity to Improv...

The sustainable development agenda has long been linked with social justice, income equality, and workers' rights. This article argues that voluntary sustainability ...

Elizabeth A. Bennett
Who Governs Socially-Oriented Voluntary Sustainability Standards? Not ...

Voluntary Sustainability Standards-Setting Organizations (VSSSOs) create standards to improve the social and/or environmental impacts of globalized production networ...

Elizabeth A. Bennett
Voluntary sustainability standards, employee ownership, and the sustai...

Employee ownership (EO), broadly defined, refers to business models that distribute power and/or profit more widely than conventional firms. EO aims to foster a more...

Elizabeth A. Bennett
Which Fair Trade principles travel to distant sectors? An analysis of ...

Social enterprises, social entrepreneurship and sustainable business models are increasingly common in sectors where Fair Trade does not have a strong presence (e.g....

Axel Marx, Charline Depoorter, Santia...
Global governance through voluntary sustainability standards: Developm...

Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) are transnational governance instruments that can be leveraged to pursue sustainable development in global value chains. The...

Elizabeth A. Bennett, Janina Grabs
How can sustainable business models distribute value more equitably in...

Global supply chains often distribute value inequitably among the Global North and South. This perpetuates poverty and contributes to indecent work in raw material-p...


“Decent Work in Global Supply Chains” Annual Report 2024...

The Annual Report 2024 brings together recent and timely research on “Decent Work in Global Supply Chains”. The report consists of 10 concise chapters, written b...

Yvonne Wolfmayr, Elisabeth Christen, ...
Trade and Welfare Effects of New Trade Policy Instruments...

Geoeconomic concepts are gaining importance in EU trade policy. In this context new trade policy instruments are designed to protect the internal market against unfa...

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