Annual Report
“Sustainable global supply chains in times of geopolitical crises” Annual Report 2023
Download publicationThe overarching topic of this year's report is "The Role of Geopolitics in Global Supply Chains", highlighting ways in which recent geopolitical and geo-economic developments are shaping and influencing current debates and policy processes around global supply chains (GSCs). Following forewords from the network hosts and Dr. Bärbel Kofler (German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development), the lead article explores the (re-)configuration of global supply chains in different sectors. Thereafter, the “Debates & Perspectives” section features international GSC researchers exchanging views and arguments on the questions of friend- and reshoring, local value addition, and the merits and risks of industrial policies. The subsequent three “Specials” dive deeper into the dynamics of textile and raw material value chains, as well as the role of international sanctions in GSCs.