Frauke Steglich

Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Frauke Steglich is a Researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), Managing Director of the Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet) at IfW, and Research Fellow at the Kiel Centre for Globalization (KCG). Her research interests lie in the field of empirical international economics and development, with a focus on foreign direct investment, global value chains, and corporate social responsibility.

Nora Aboushady, Tilman Altenburg, Inga Carry, Jann Lay, Melanie Müller, Mark Schrolle, Frauke Steglich, Lea Strack, Tevin Tafese, Rainer Thiele

The European supply chain law is coming after all – What can we make of the compromise?

In December 2023, the EU Member States and the European Parliament agreed on a directive on corporate accountability along global supply chains – the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) (henceforth: CS3D trilogue agreement). Adoption by the EU Council on 9 February 2024 was con...

Philipp Herkenhoff, Sebastian Krautheim, Finn Ole Semrau, and Frauke Steglich

Corporate Social Responsibility along the global value chain

Locating substantial parts of the production process in developing and emerging economies, many firms face an increasing demand by stakeholders for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) along their value chains. Contractual incompleteness between firms and their suppliers at different stages of prod...

Publication / Scientific paper

Jann Lay, Tilman Altenburg, Melanie Müller, Tevin Tafese, Rainer Thiele, Frauke Steglich

Europäische Lieferkettenregulierung nicht aufhalten! Sie ist ein wichtiger Schritt für eine bessere Globalisierung

Im Dezember hatten sich die EU-Staaten und das Europäische Parlament auf eine Richtlinie für Lieferketten – die Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) – geeinigt. Die Zustimmung des Rates am 9. Februar galt als Formsache. Doch nun droht das Veto Deutschlands die Richtlinie au...


“Sustainable global supply chains in times of geopolitical crises” Annual Report 2023

The overarching topic of this year's report is "The Role of Geopolitics in Global Supply Chains", highlighting ways in which recent geopolitical and geo-economic developments are shaping and influencing current debates and policy processes around global supply chains (GSCs). Following...

Publication / Annual Report


LKDF Forum 2023 – Skills for Sustainability in Global Supply Chains

Rainer Thiele, Aoife Hanley, Finn Ole Semrau, and Frauke Steglich

The cumulative effect of due diligence EU legislation on SMEs

This study addresses the expected impact of the EU’s Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It takes the German supply chain act (Lieferkettengesetz) as an example that may hold lessons for EU due diligence legislation. Against the backgr...

Publication / Report


Sustainable Global Supply Chains Report 2022

Global Supply Chains (GSCs) have become a key feature of globalisation. Production processes are increasingly broken down into specific tasks and organised across national borders. They are organised and governed by “lead firms” that set many of the standards according to which other firms in th...

Publication / Annual Report

Philipp Herkenhoff, Sebastian Krautheim, Finn Ole Semrau, and Frauke Steglich

Corporate Social Responsibility along the Global Value Chain

Firms are under increasing pressure to meet stakeholders’ demand for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) along their global value chains. We study the incentives for and investments in CSR at different stages of the production process. We analyze a model of sequential production with incomplete ...

Publication / Working Paper

Peter Kannen, Finn Ole Semrau, Frauke Steglich

Green gifts from abroad? FDI and firms’ green management

Improvements of firms' environmental performance crucially determine the speed of a country's green economic transformation. In this paper, we investigate whether firms with foreign ownership are more likely to adopt 'green' management practices, which determine the capability to...

Publication / Scientific paper

Holger Görg, Jann Lay, Stefan Pahl, Adnan Seric, Frauke Steglich, and Liubov Yaroshenko

Multilateral coordination and exchange for sustainable global value chains

While participation in global value chains (GVCs) is widely associated with benefits for countries’ development and growth, its environmental and social costs become increasingly evident. Representing core buyer and supplier countries in GVCs, the G20 is particularly suited to tackle this global c...

Publication / Policy paper

Julian Donaubauer, Peter Kannen, Frauke Steglich

Foreign Direct Investment & Petty Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Empirical Analysis at the Local Level

Inspired by a recent and ongoing debate about whether foreign direct investment (FDI) represents a blessing for or an impediment to economic, social, and political development in FDI host countries this paper addresses two issues: Does the presence of foreign investors impact the occurrence of petty...

Publication / Scientific paper

Fostering Inclusive and Sustainable Global Value Chains: The Role of the G20

Julian Glitsch, Olivier Godart, Holger Görg, Saskia Mösle, Frauke Steglich

Lagging behind? German Foreign Direct Investment in Africa

German Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa is lagging behind China, France, the Netherlands, the UK, the US, and other economies. It represented only 1 percent of the German total FDI stock abroad in 2018 and is concentrated in few African countries. Overall, around 8...

Publication / Scientific paper

Saskia Mösle, Frauke Steglich

Policy instruments for FDI promotion in Africa

Global foreign direct investment (FDI) has increased substantially over the past decades and so has FDI in Africa. However, still only 3 percent of global FDI stocks and 1 percent of German FDI is located in Africa. There are several policy instruments that can contribute to higher investment in dev...

Publication / Scientific paper

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