Svenja Schöneich

German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

Svenja Schöneich is a policy advisor for resource policies, raw material supply chains and corporate responsibility at Germanwatch. Previously, she worked as an associate at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) on the project "Transnational Governance of Sustainable Commodity Supply Chains". She received her M.A. degree in Social Cultural Anthropology, Sociology and Latin America Studies from University of Hamburg and was a Ph.D. Fellow at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and the University of Hamburg. Svenjas research interest lie in the governance of global supply and value chains, resource extraction, sustainability and human rights in Latin America.

Svenja Schöneich, Christina Saulich, and Melanie Müller

Traceability and foreign corporate accountability in mineral supply chains

Industrialized economies in the EU depend heavily on imports of minerals. The extraction and parts of the transport and processing of these minerals take place in the Global South and often bear high human rights and environmental risks. A lack of traceability in mineral supply chains makes it parti...

Publication / Scientific paper

Melanie Müller, Christina Saulich, Meike Schulze, and Svenja Schöneich

From Competition to a Sustainable Raw Materials Diplomacy

German and European businesses are highly dependent on metals. Demand for these raw materials is expected to grow even further as they will be needed for the green energy and electric mobility tran­sition, digitalisation and other emerging technologies. Geopolitical developments influence securi...

Publication / Policy paper

Sustainability and Mineral Supply Chains – Trends in the Mining Industry

In this podcast episode, we take a closer look at mineral supply chains. Mining often happens under poor working conditions, the transport of raw materials is energy intensive and the recycling of used minerals is often not profitable and may actually illude today's state of the art. In this po...

What Do Supply Chain Laws in Europe Mean for the Mining Sector in the Andean Region?

Günther Maihold, Melanie Müller, Christina Saulich, and Svenja Schöneich

Responsibility in Supply Chains – Germany’s Due Diligence Act Is a Good Start

On 3 March, the Federal Cabinet adopted an act on corporate due diligence in supply chains. This represents an important step towards German businesses assuming full and proper responsibility for the supply chains associated with their goods and services. The move puts Germany in a group of European...

Publication / Policy paper

Daniel Flemes; Svenja Schöneich

Indigene Völker unter Druck

Der Druck auf die indigenen Völker Lateinamerikas steigt bis hin zur Existenzbedrohung. Die linkspopulistische Regierung Mexikos setzt sich ebenso wenig für die Interessen der Indigenen ein wie die konservative Übergangsregierung in Bolivien. Brasiliens rechtsradikaler Präsident betreibt gar ein...

Publication / Scientific paper

Svenja Schöneich

Ambigüedades del Petróleo – Cambios de percepción de riesgo al nivel local por la Reforma Energética Mexicana

Este artículo muestra el ejemplo de la comunidad campesina Emiliano Zapata, afectada durante varias décadas por actividades de extracción de hidrocarburos, y cómo entró en un estado de “incertidumbre tóxica” (Auyero y Swistun 2008) debido a las condiciones del cambio político de la extrac...

Publication / Scientific paper

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