What Do Supply Chain Laws in Europe Mean for the Mining Sector in the Andean Region?

Jun 1, 2021 04:00 PM - Jul 27, 2024 10:59 AM
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#EU / Western Europe
#Sustainability standards
#Corporate responsibility and lead firms
#Latin America
Regulations related to supply chain responsibility are gaining steam. After the Netherlands and France, Germany is the third country within the European Union that has proposed an law on corporate due diligence in supply chains. At the same time, the European Union has a battery regulation that contains due diligence provisions and is in the process of drafting a proposal for a due diligence act covering supply chains with the goal of creating a level playing field for all member states. The laws at the country level provide a good precedent in terms of what can be expected from an EU-wide regulation and where there will likely be contentious discussions between the different stakeholders in the process of developing and approving it.

Considering that Germany and Europe as a whole are integral parts of the world economy and highly dependent on imports, specifically minerals and secondary mining products, these home-country regulations may also have far-reaching consequences on producers and suppliers in non-EU jurisdictions. This begs the question of how these laws, in combination with voluntary sustainability initiatives being promoted by European consumer-facing companies, will impact mining practices in the Andean Region.

This webinar seeks to familiarize stakeholders with the supply chain laws being drafted and adopted in Europe; and discuss what impacts these laws, in combination with sustainability initiatives along mineral supply chains, may have on the mining sector in the Andean Region.

The webinar is jointly hosted by the Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains, CESCO, MinSus, as well as AHK Chile and Peru.

Register for the webinar here: https://minsus.net/en/participate-in-the-seminar-what-do-supply-chain-laws-in-europe-mean-for-the-mining-sector-in-the-andean-region/


Svenja Schöneich

German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

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