Zhi Wang

George Mason University

Zhi Wang is a research professor of Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, as well as professor and founding director of Research Center of Global Value Chains at University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing. His research interests are in international trade, where he has made significant contributions to the field of measuring and analysing global value chains. He holds a Ph.D in applied economics from the University of Minnesota with a minor in computer and information sciences.

Bo Meng, Yu Liu, Yuning Gao, Meng Li, Zhi Wang, Jinjun Xue, Robbie Andrew, Kuishuang Feng, Ye Qi, Yongping Sun, Huaping Sun, Keying Wang

Developing countries’ responsibilities for CO2 emissions in value chains are larger and growing faster than those of developed countries

Carbon emissions associated with international trade are significant. The emergence of complex global value chains (GVCs) in recent decades, in which a country can operate as both a consumer and producer simultaneously, has led to a further rise in emissions. The complexity of these GVCs makes it in...

Publication / Scientific paper

Heiwai Tang, Fei Wang, Zhi Wang

Domestic segment of global value chains in China under state capitalism

This paper studies the relationship between the changing domestic segment of global value chains and the return of state capitalism in China. To this end, we propose a method to estimate an extended input-output (IO) table that tracks inter-sector transactions between different types of firms in a d...

Publication / Scientific paper

Nikhil Patel, Zhi Wang, Shang‐Jin Wei

Global Value Chains and Effective Exchange Rates at the Country‐Sector Level

The real effective exchange rate (REER) is one of the most cited statistics in open‐economy macroeconomics. We show that the models used to compute these numbers are not rich enough to allow for the rising importance of global value chains. Moreover, because different sectors within a country part...

Publication / Scientific paper

Bo Meng, Glen P. Peters, Zhi Wang, Meng Li

Tracing CO2 emissions in global value chains

This paper integrates two lines of research into a unified conceptual framework: trade in value-added and embodied emissions in trade. This allows both value-added and emissions to be systematically traced at the country, sector, and bilateral levels through various routes in global value chains. By...

Publication / Scientific paper

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