
Xiaolan Fu
University of Oxford, Technology and Management Centre for Development
Xiaolan Fu is Director of the Technology and Management Centre for Development (TMCD), Professor of Technology and International Development and Fellow of Green College at Oxford University. She was President of the Chinese Economic Association (Europe) and CEA (UK) (2010-2011). Her research interests include innovation, technology and industrialisation; trade, foreign direct investment and economic development; emerging Asian economies; innovation and productivity in the UK/US.
Xiaolan Fu, David Emes, and Jun Hou
Multinational enterprises and structural transformation in emerging and developing countries: A survey of the literature
This paper presents a review of the literature concerning the relationship between multinational enterprises (MNEs) and structural transformation in emerging and developing countries based on journal publications over the 2000 to 2020 period. Both outward and inward foreign direct investment by mult...

Xiaolan Fu
Digital Transformation of Global Value Chains and Sustainable Post-Pandemic Recovery
This perspective paper examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global production and trade from the perspective of global value chains. Particular attention is paid to the transmission mechanisms and the role of digital technology in sustainable post-pandemic economic recovery. It argues tha...

Xiaolan Fu, Jun Hou, and Xiaohui Liu
Unpacking the Relationship between Outward Direct Investment and Innovation Performance: Evidence from Chinese firms
This study investigates the impact of outward direct investment (ODI) by Chinese MNEs on innovation performance and the conditions under which such an impact is moderated, based on a sample of Chinese firms. The empirical evidence suggests that undertaking ODI leads to an increase in the innovation ...

Shujin Zhu and Xiaolan Fu
Drivers of Export Upgrading
This paper analyses the determinants of export upgrading using a cross-country panel dataset over the 1992–2006 period. The results suggest that the export sophistication of countries is enhanced by capital deepening, engagement in knowledge creation, transfers via investment in education and R&am...

Xiaolan Fu
Processing Trade, FDI and the Exports of Indigenous Firms: Firm-Level Evidence from Technology-Intensive Industries in China
This study examines the impact of processing trade‐foreign direct investment (FDI) on the export competitiveness of indigenous firms using disaggregated firm‐level production data and product‐level trade data from China covering the 2000–07 period. The estimation results show that processing...