Sebastian Krautheim
University of Passau
Sebastian Krautheim is a Professor of International Economics at the University of Passau. His research interests are in international trade, global value chains, and social activism. He is principle investigator of a DFG-funded research project on “Global Production and its Watchdogs: Firms and NGOs in the Regulatory Void”. He holds a PhD in Economics from the European University Institute.
Pamina Koenig, Sebastian Krautheim, Claudius Löhnert, Thierry Verdier
Local global watchdogs: Trade, sourcing and the internationalization of social activism
International NGO campaigns criticizing firms for infringements along their internationalized value chains are a salient feature of economic globalization. We argue that understanding the international patterns of NGO campaigns requires accounting for the geography of their targets’ economic activ...
Publication / Scientific paper
Philipp Herkenhoff, Sebastian Krautheim, Finn Ole Semrau, and Frauke Steglich
Corporate Social Responsibility along the global value chain
Locating substantial parts of the production process in developing and emerging economies, many firms face an increasing demand by stakeholders for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) along their value chains. Contractual incompleteness between firms and their suppliers at different stages of prod...
Publication / Scientific paper
Philipp Herkenhoff, Sebastian Krautheim, Finn Ole Semrau, and Frauke Steglich
Corporate Social Responsibility along the Global Value Chain
Firms are under increasing pressure to meet stakeholders’ demand for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) along their global value chains. We study the incentives for and investments in CSR at different stages of the production process. We analyze a model of sequential production with incomplete ...
Publication / Working Paper
Philipp Herkenhoff, Sebastian Krautheim
The International Organization of Production in the Regulatory Void
In recent decades, a large and increasing number of leading firms in a diverse set of industries have faced allegations of ‘unethical’ practices along their international value chains. In many cases this has triggered consumer boycotts and NGO campaigns, introducing a new link between upstream (...
Publication / Scientific paper
Sebastian Krautheim, Thierry Verdier
Offshoring with endogenous NGO activism
The process of globalization is characterized by an impressive growth of global value chains, as well as the proliferation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) interacting with multinational firms. This paper presents a model of offshoring and NGO–firm interactions in which offshoring to a low...
Publication / Scientific paper
Sebastian Krautheim, Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr
Wages and International Tax Competition
We introduce wage bargaining and private information into a model of profit shifting and tax competition between a large and a small country. Shifting profits to the small country not only reduces a firm's tax bill but also creates private information on profitability, altering the wage bargain...