Robert B. Koopman

American University

Robert B. Koopman is currently a Hurst Senior Professorial Lecturer in Politics, Governance and Economics at the American University, Washington D.C. Previously, he served as the Chief Economist and Director of the Economic Research and Statistics Division at the World Trade Organization. In this post, Bob provided the Secretariat and Member Countries with analysis and information that promotes a deeper understanding of trade and trade policy's role in economic growth and development. Prior to this he oversaw the United States International Trade Commission’s trade policy research and negotiation assistance to the President, the U.S. Trade Representative, and Congress. Bob previously taught international trade, applied international trade, advanced international trade, and trade and economic development in the Economics Department at Georgetown University, in Washington DC. His research interests include measuring the economic effects of trade and trade policy changes, measuring global value chains, and the application and validation of large scale economic simulation models.

Mehmet Sait Akman, Fabrizio Botti, Clara Brandi, Michael Brüntrup, Markus Dietrich, Ilaria Espa, Andreas Freytag, Robert Koopman, Stormy-Annika Mildner, Bettina Rudloff

Sustainable and resilient agricultural value chains: Addressing multiple vulnerabilities with a new partnership approach

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine meet longer-term impacts of climate change and no-less pressing challenges of social and environmental sustainability in and around agriculture, food and nutrition security. Many international mechanisms are already in place for agriculture and f...

Robert B. Koopman

GVCs and COVID-19: Lessons thus far from trade during a global pandemic

Eddy Bekkers, Robert B. Koopman, Carolina Lemos Rêgo

Structural change in the Chinese economy and changing trade relations with the world

This paper examines the impact of structural change in China, in particular a reduction in the savings rate, an increase in the share of skilled workers, and an increase in productivity in technologically advanced manufacturing sectors targeted by Made in China 2025. Baseline projections until 2040 ...

Robert Koopman, John Hancock, Roberta Piermartini, Eddy Bekkers

The Value of the WTO

Recent developments in global trade include actions by major global traders that lie outside the norms of behaviour of the World Trade Organization (WTO) over the last 20 years. Member frustrations with the slow pace of negotiations and concerns about strategies and behaviours of other members appro...

Cosimo Beverelli, Victor Stolzenburg, Robert B. Koopman, Simon Neumueller

Domestic value chains as stepping stones to global value chain integration

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