Pamina Koenig

University of Rouen & Paris School of Economics

Pamina Koenig is a Professor of Economics at the University of Rouen and an Associate Researcher at Paris School of Economics. Her research interests are in international trade, trade policies and the political economy of NGOs. She has published in leading academic journals. Professor Koenig holds a PhD in Economics from the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Master’s Degree in Economics from Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Pamina Koenig, Sebastian Krautheim, Claudius Löhnert, Thierry Verdier

Local global watchdogs: Trade, sourcing and the internationalization of social activism

International NGO campaigns criticizing firms for infringements along their internationalized value chains are a salient feature of economic globalization. We argue that understanding the international patterns of NGO campaigns requires accounting for the geography of their targets’ economic activ...

Publication / Scientific paper

Pamina Koenig and Sandra Poncet

The effects of the Rana Plaza collapse on the sourcing choices of French importers

This paper analyzes the effects of a major reputational shock affecting textile importers from Bangladesh. The collapse of the Rana Plaza building in April 2013 generated a surge of activism and media coverage specifically targeting the firms that sourced from the factories affected by the disaster....

Publication / Scientific paper

Sophie Hatte, Pamina Koenig

The Geography of NGO Activism against Multinational Corporations

To what extent do Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) monitor global value chains? While NGOs regularly denounce the behavior of multinational corporations throughout the world, their motivations for choosing campaign targets remain largely unknown. Using a new dataset on activists’ campaigns to...

Publication / Scientific paper

Pamina Koenig, Sandra Poncet

Social responsibility scandals and trade

This paper studies the effect of social responsibility scandals on the imports of consumer products, by focusing on an event which generated massive consumer mobilization against neglecting firms, namely the collapse of the Rana Plaza building affecting the textile industry in Bangladesh. We investi...

Publication / Scientific paper

Pamina Koenig and Sandra Poncet

Reputation and (un)fair trade: Effects on French importers from the Rana Plaza collapse

This paper analyzes the effects of a major reputational shock affecting textile importers fromBangladesh. The collapse of the Rana Plaza building in April 2013 generated a surge of activismand media coverage specifically targeting the firms that sourced from the factories affected bythe disaster. Us...

Publication / Scientific paper

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