Markus Krajewski

University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski is University Professor at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and holds the Chair in Public Law and Public International Law. Prof. Krajewski is one of the programme directors of the MA in Human Rights and chairperson of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (CHREN). He also chairs the Board of Trustees of the German Institute for Human Rights and is Secretary-General of the German Branch of the International Law Association. Prof. Krajewski teaches German constitutional and administrative law, European law, public international law and human rights. His research focusses on international economic law, human rights, European external relations and the law of public services. He wrote four books and authored numerous contributions in scholarly journals and edited volumes including the European Yearbook of International Economic Law (EYIEL). He advises international governmental and non-governmental organisations on European and international economic law and acted as consultant in different development cooperation projects.

Markus Krajewski

Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Laws: Blurring the Lines between State Duty to Protect and Corporate Responsibility to Respect?

This paper assesses mandatory human rights laws for companies in light of the public–private divide in international human rights law. It asks whether and to what extent these laws contribute to the blurring of the private–public divide by reducing or even eliminating the boundaries between the ...

Gamze Erdem Türkelli, Mark Gibney, Wouter Vandenhole and Markus Krajewski

The future of extraterritorial human rights obligations

As this is being written, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage, and some important extraterritorial lessons – some good and some bad – have emerged from this pandemic. The first and perhaps most obvious is that communicable diseases do not respect national borders. What began in W...

Markus Krajewski, Kristel Tonstad and Franziska Wohltmann

Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Germany and Norway: Stepping, or Striding, in the Same Direction?

Germany and Norway are the two latest states to adopt laws mandating human rights due diligence by companies. Germany adopted a Law on Supply Chain Due Diligence (German Law) on 10 June 2021. The same day, the Norwegian parliament passed a Transparency Act (Norwegian Act) requiring human rights and ...

Markus Krajewski & Gabriel Felbermayr

Debate: “Do due diligence laws improve the rights of workers in production countries?”

Markus Krajewski

A Nightmare or a Noble Dream? Establishing Investor Obligations Through Treaty-Making and Treaty-Application

This article assesses different approaches currently discussed and developed in international human rights and investment law to establish investor obligations. The article begins with a general framework of analysing and comparing these approaches. Next, attempts to include direct obligations of bu...

Markus Krajewski

State duty to protect and corporate responsibility for human rights in global supply chains

The responsibility of transnational corporations for human rights violations in global supply chains continue to be of public interest: Fires in textile factories in Pakistan, environmental destructions due to oil production or worst forms of child labour in mines which produce minerals for electron...

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