Jan Börner

University of Bonn

Jan Börner is Professor for Economics of Sustainable Land Use & Bioeconomy at the University of Bonn, Germany, with applied research experience in Latin America, Africa, and Europe. Between 2012 and 2017, he was Robert Bosch Junior Professor for Economics of Sustainable Natural Resource Use at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) in Bonn, where his work focused on the economic analysis and evaluation of tropical forest conservation policies. Before, he worked as a research associate at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) based in Brazil, where he was involved in several global research projects on REDD+ and human environment interactions. Jan’s current research agenda expands from national level environmental policy analysis towards the role of technology, global trade, and consumption patterns in affecting the provision of ecosystem services at landscape scale.

Neus Escobar, E. Jorge Tizado, Erasmus K.H.J. zu Ermgassen, Pernilla Löfgren, Jan Börner, and Javier Godar

Spatially-explicit footprints of agricultural commodities: Mapping carbon emissions embodied in Brazil’s soy exports

Reliable estimates of carbon and other environmental footprints of agricultural commodities require capturing a large diversity of conditions along global supply chains. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) faces limitations when it comes to addressing spatial and temporal variability in production, transpor...

Publication / Scientific paper

Juliano Correa, Elías Cisneros, Jan Börner, Alexander Pfaff, Marcelo Costa, and Raoni Rajão

Evaluating REDD+ at subnational level: Amazon fund impacts in Alta Floresta, Brazil

The Amazon Fund is the world's largest program to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), funded with over US $1b donated by Norway and Germany between 2008 and 2017 to reward Brazil for prior deforestation reductions. Olhos D'Água da Amazônia is cited as a le...

Publication / Scientific paper

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