Christoph Scherrer
University of Kassel
Christoph Scherrer is a professor for "Globalization & Politics" at the University of Kassel since 2000. Christoph received his doctorate with a thesis on the U.S. auto and steel industries and his habilitation in 1999 on the enforcement of liberal foreign economic policies in the United States. He has taught at the J. F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin and at Rutgers University in Newark and received a J. F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship at Harvard University. He directs the two English-language master's programs (MA Global Political Economy and MA Labor Policies and Governance) in the Department of Political Science. He is spokesperson of the DAAD-awarded International Center for Development and Decent Work for Excellence in Development Cooperation, co-director of the HBS funded PhD program Global Social Policies and Governance, member of the Steering Committee of the Global Labour University, which trains trade unionists at the master's level in political science and economics on four continents. Winner of the "Excellence in Teaching" award of the State of Hesse in 2007. His research interests are in the field of International Political Economy, in particular the governance of the world market in terms of social and environmental sustainability.
Christoph Scherrer
Embeddedness of Power Relations in Global Value Chains
This chapter provides an overview of the literature on power relations in global sourcing which goes beyond the prevalent focus on the dyadic business-to-business relation. The move through the various theories of power leads to my major claim which is that power dynamics in GVCs must be understood ...
Publication / Scientific paper
Ismail Doga Karatepe, Christoph Scherrer
Collective Action as a Prerequisite for Economic and Social Upgrading in Agricultural Production Networks
This article highlights the importance of collective action and the role of the state in upgrading the social and economic conditions of farmworkers and smallholders. It is argued that economic upgrading does not automatically translate into social upgrading for workers and small producers and explo...
Publication / Scientific paper
Christoph Scherrer
Labour surplus is here to stay: why ‘decent work for all’ will remain elusive
In 2015, the United Nations agreed to pursue the Sustainable Development Goal #8 ‘To promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all’. The paper argues that this goal will not be achieved. The abundance of persons offering their ...