The Future of European-Chinese Raw Material Supply Chains

Inga Carry, Melanie Müller, and Nadine Godehardt
DOI number

#East Asia and Pacific
#EU / Western Europe
#Sustainability standards
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When it comes to being supplied with raw materials, Europe faces a number of chal­lenges. These include the diversification of European supply chains, the implementation of effective sustainability standards, and the reduction of strategic dependencies on China. What will European-Chinese raw material supply chains look like in 2030? This paper outlines three possible scenarios, illustrating the combined effects of dif­ferent political and socio-economic developments and the impact they could have on European-Chinese supply chains. It aims to help political actors gain a deeper under­standing of possible future trajectories and map out appropriate policy strategies in response to different scenarios.


Inga Carry

German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

Melanie Müller

German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

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