Launch of the Research Network on 9 March 2021

Mar 9, 2021 02:00 PM - Mar 9, 2021 06:00 PM

The launch event will be opened by State Secretary Norbert Barthle, BMZ, and include a panel discussion among leading international supply chain researchers, a discussion on the pros and cons of due diligence laws holding companies accountable for their suppliers as well as selection of topical academic presentations.

Please find the complete programme here.


14.00    Introduction, StS Norbert Barthle, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development: Why we support the „Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains“

14.15     Introducing the Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains

Jann Lay, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

14.35     Panel discussion: How supply chain research can help solving societal challenges

What are the most relevant research gaps in global supply chain research and how can this research inform policymaking with a view to making supply chains more sustainable?

  • Pol Antrás, Harvard University

  • Khalid Nadvi, University of Manchester

  • Roberta Rabellotti, University of Pavia

  • Daria Taglioni, World Bank

Moderator: Tilman Altenburg, German Development Institute (DIE)

15.50    Break

16.00     Parallel sessions

17.15.    Wrap up

Günther Maihold, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
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