Peter Dannenberg

University of Cologne

Prof. Dr. Peter Dannenberg is a Professor of Human Geography with a focus on urban and regional development at the University of Cologne. He earned his Master’s in City and Regional Development from Cardiff University and a Diploma in Geography from Hannover University. He completed his doctorate and habilitation at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His research interests include global value chains with focus on sustainability, resilience, and information and communication technologies. Dr. Dannenberg has held various academic positions, including a visiting professorship at the University of Stellenbosch. He has published extensively and is involved in numerous research projects.

Peter Dannenberg, Boris Braun, Clemens Greiner, Alexander Follmann, Michaela Haug, Pujo Semedi Hargo Yuwono, Markus Stetter, Thomas Widlok, Stanislav Kopriva

Eight arguments why biodiversity is important to safeguard food security

In the context of multiple crises, policymakers and practitioners prioritize the solving of certain challenges above others. In this context, supposedly purely environmental challenges like biodiversity loss have often been deprioritized and solutions to tackle them are publicly or quietly postponed...

Publication / Article

Gideon Tups, Peter Dannenberg

Supplying lead firms, intangible assets and power in global value chains: Explaining governance in the fertilizer chain

Global suppliers of agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and agrochemicals exert increasing degrees of power in global value chains (GVCs). Although the GVC literature has explained how global buyers govern GVCs from the buying-end, the question of how global suppliers achieve governance f...

Publication / Article

Mengyi Zhang, Peter Dannenberg

Opportunities and Challenges of Indigenous Food Plant Farmers in Integrating into Agri-Food Value Chains in Cape Town

In many regions of the Global South, introduced crops have led to a loss of biodiversity and left the food system vulnerable to climate change. As a result, the (re-)introduction of indigenous food plants (IFPs) into agriculture is discussed as a way to a more sustainable and resilient food producti...

Publication / Article

Madlen Krone, Peter Dannenberg, Gilbert Nduru

The use of modern information and communication technologies in smallholder agriculture: Examples from Kenya and Tanzania

Through examining the example of commercial small-scale horticultural farmers in Mt. Kenya region and Mwanza region, this empirical study aims to provide an explanation for why different perspectives on the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Global South exist. A mixed...

Publication / Article

Peter Dannenberg, Gilbert M. Nduru

Practices in international value chains: the case of the Kenyan fruit and vegetable chain beyond the exclusion debate

The emerging role of private standards as new forms of regulation and co-ordination in international trade and production is discussed in various fields including economic geography. A prominent example is the impact of the European standard GlobalGAP (former EurepGap) in Kenyan export horticulture....

Publication / Article

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