
Jan Grumiller
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
Mag. Dr. Jan Grumiller is a professor of value chains at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems and holds a doctoral degree in economics from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). He worked as a researcher (2015-2022) in the Global Economy and Development department at the Austrian Foundation of Development Research (ÖFSE) and as an external lecturer (2014-2022) at the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna. His research focuses on (global) value chains, industrial policy, and sustainability. He has done empirical research on economic development in South East Asia (Vietnam) as well as North and Sub-Saharan Africa (Ethiopia, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Tunisia, Mozambique) with a sectoral focus on leather and leather manufacturing, textile and apparel, cocoa, and a variety of other agricultural products. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was involved in various research projects on the sustainability and resilience of global value chains related to critical products (esp. pharmaceuticals and medical products) for the European Parliament (EP), the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), the Austrian Chamber of Labor (AK), and the Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG).
Hannes Grohs, Jan Grumiller, and Andreas Peham
Potentials for Improving the Socioeconomic Situation of Ghanaian Cocoa Farmers: The Role of Sustainability Initiatives
Based on an overview of both the global cocoa-chocolate value chain and the specifics of the cocoa industry in Ghana as well as the associated sustainability issues, this report provides a comprehensive review of sustainability initiatives in the cocoa-chocolate GVC initiated during the last 20 year...

Jan Grumiller
Analyzing industrial policy regimes within global production networks: the Ethiopian leather industry
This article contributes to debates on how to broaden and deepen our understanding of the interrelationships between the state and global production networks (GPNs). It proposes that combining the GPN framework and the developmental regime perspective based on a strategic-relational conceptualizatio...

Jan Grumiller, Hannes Grohs, Werner Raza
How to align efficiency, resilience and sustainability in GVCs? A conceptual assessment
The COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdowns and export restrictions highlighted the vulnerability of global trade and global value chains (GVCs). What is more, many commentators argue that the likelihood of exogenous shocks that threaten international trade and GVCs will increase in the future. This inc...

Cornelia Staritz, Bernhard Tröster, Jan Grumiller, Felix Maile
Price‑Setting Power in Global Value Chains: The Cases of Price Stabilisation in the Cocoa Sectors in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana
This paper calls for integrating price-setting power and related uneven exposure to price risks into the analysis of governance in global value chains (GVCs) as it adds to other power dimensions in producing unequal distributional outcomes. This is shown for the cocoa GVC, in which—unlike in today...

Hannes Grohs, Jan Grumiller, Werner Raza
Resilience in Sustainable Global Supply Chains: Evidence and Policy Recommendations
The COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdowns and export restrictions highlighted the vulnerability of global trade and global value chains (GVCs). What is more, many commentators argue that the likelihood of exogenous shocks that threaten international trade and GVCs, such as natural disasters, pandemics...